


What is PsySOULogy?

PsySOULogy is a merge of the words Psychology and Soul. You can´t find it in a dictionary, because it´s a new creation…
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How can I benefit from PsySOULogy?

PsySOULogy offers Counselings, Coachings, Online-Courses and Publications that are determined to assist you in solving problems occuring in your daily life, exiting self-destructive patterns and overcoming obstacles like doubts or self-sabotaging…
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In which Situations might PsySOULogy be helpful?

If you feel stuck in a situation, relationship or process – the answer is already within you! PsySOULogy might help you to reveal it…
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So PsySOULogy is kind of a psychotherapy?

A clear no. PsySOULogy is not at all comparable with a psychotherapy. Our coaching process adresses different layers of the self and the blend of psycholgical and spiritual ingredients is unique by now, as unique as you are…
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But what is PsySOULogy then?

PsySOULogy is a new tool or possibility to access your individual, true core, rearranging misconceptions and transform your realizations into an authentic self-expression…
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So PsySOULogy is a personality-development Coaching?

Not really. PsySOULogy believes, that there´s nothing to develop, which is not already there…
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How is PsySoulogy exactly working?

First, PsySoulogy accepts and welcomes every expression of you as a human being. You´re getting angry easily? Well – you´re a human being!…
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Can PsySOULogy work in all areas of my life?

It can. PsySOULogy focuses on your true self, which is participating in  in all areas of your life…
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What is the spiritual part of psySOULogy?

PsySOULogy closes the gap between spirituality and psychology by connecting ancient wisdom and knowledge, that is contained for example in Buddhism or the vedic tradition…
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How does PsySOULogy take that spiritual part into account?

Have you ever suggested, that you may have drew a specific problem in your life, just to become aware of an inner conflict on a deeper level? Maybe the problem is not the real problem?…
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What is Psysoulogy?

PsySOULogy is a merge of the words Psychology and Soul. You can´t find it in a dictionary, because it´s a new creation. The term PsySOULogy explains, in which way we address the human mind, body, spirit and soul: By combining scientifically proven information, models and techniques with an earth-bound spirituality. 

The main goal of PsySOULogy is helping you to access and unfold your authentic self by enhancing a conscious connection to your overall inner facets. The nurturing of these internal relations through dignity and respect will slowly open the door to that life, your soul is really longing for.

PsySOULogy also wants to empower your authentic self to initiate and take action in the necessary changes.

How can I benefit from Psysoulogy?

PsySOULogy offers Counselings, Coachings, Online-Courses and Publications that are determined to assist you in solving problems occuring in your daily life, exiting self-destructive patterns and overcoming obstacles like doubts or self-sabotaging. 

PsySOULogy can be regarded as an assistant for individual transformations, a servant for enhancing your self-awareness, consciousness and in unveiling dysfunctional beliefs and resistances. 

The underlying process of PsySOULogy is always a peaceful reunion with your inner aspects (also your shadow side!). This inner friendship will nurture the preconditions for an authentic and meaningful life. 

The side effects of the psySOULogical process are: Clarity, a smoother decision making, exercise in self-commitment (stick to a goal, setting healthy boundaries etc.).   

PsySOULogy already runs several projects (see Projects). 

In which Situations might Psysoulogy be helpful?

If you feel stuck in a situation, relationship or process – the answer is already within you! PsySOULogy might help you to reveal it. 

If you feel disoriented, overwhelmed or angry/sad about how you´re living your life right now – direction, clarity, inner peace and understanding is already inside of you! PsySOULogy might help you to access it. 

So Psysoulogy is kind of a psychotherapy?

A clear no. PsySOULogy is not at all comparable with a psychotherapy.

Our coaching process adresses different layers of the self and the blend of psycholgical and spiritual ingredients is unique by now, as unique as you are.
Taking that into account, we combine our knowledge, tools and services during a coaching process in the most suitable way for you as an individual soul.

Opposite to a psychotherapy, PsySOULogy is not involved in curing any psychic deseases (see Disclaimer).
PsySOULogy wants to assist you in unfold and living your true self, solve distinct problems and exiting repeating cycles and drama in your life. 

For people with a diagnosed psychic desease, we clearly reccomend to counsel an educated psychatrist or psychotherapist.

But what is Psysoulogy then?

PsySOULogy is a new tool or possibility to access your individual, true core, rearranging misconceptions and transform your realizations into an authentic self-expression. 

Imagine yourself woodworking on a cut stem of a tree. You´re looking for the core of that stem, whilst you always have the option to create something totally new out of it. If your goal is to unveil the natural beauty of the core (a metaphor for your true self), you may have to remove some rotten bork (misfits like self-sabotage, toxic relationships, dysfunctional behaviour etc.), because it can harm the healthy parts.
Maybe you decide to leave some bork parts, because they add to the natural beauty of the stem.
The thing is: You´ll only know and feel, what is right, once you´re flowing in the process of woodworking. Then you just KNOW.

PsySOULogy is initiating and maintaining this process with you: Holding the mirror for your true self, while you´re gaining consciousness, about your natural true beauty and the rotten and dysfunctional parts that you want to get rid off.

You´ll realize, in which ways you unconsciously locking yourself away from the life your true self really wants to live.

So Psysoulogy is a personality-development Coaching?

Not really. PsySOULogy believes, that there´s nothing to develop, which is not already there.
Unlike other offerings, PsySOULogy isn´t a program. It doesn´t adress self-optimization nor encourages you to develop into an avatar, another person defined and proclaimed as the „one and only way to…“. 

PsySOULogy is interested in the expression of your uttermost true self. Once you´ve accessed the facets of your true self, it´s just a matter of appreciating, respecting and foster a healthy relationship with them. Once you feel, who you truly are, you can start to take action.

PsySOULogy is trying to assist you in looking behind the foggy layers of distraction and distortion that often arise by conditionings and the energetic traces of (former) life experiences.

How is Psysoulogy exactly working? 

First, PsySoulogy accepts and welcomes every expression of your personality. You´re getting angry easily? Well – you´re a human being! Welcome on planet earth in the paradigm of human race. Acceptance! 

What exactly makes you angry? Which aspect of yourself feels upset, threatened or triggered, so you feel like exploding into particles? Which need feels violated and can you remember a former  experience related to that specific violation? What lays behind?
In which field of your inner universe do you feel unfree, stuck, trapped, caged or ruled by something, instead of being in control?

What kind of beliefs do arise – if you think the unthinkable and allow yourself to feel, what you really feel? 

PsySOULogy opens a space of safe acceptance and helps you thereby in feeling ok, the way you truly are.
In the process you´ll realize that all (self-)judgements are (conscious or subconscious) decisions to lock a potential away, that´s scaring you for a reason. 

By enhancing acceptance and reducing self-judgements (or at least learn to take them easy), you´ll gain more and more self-acceptance, clarity and open doors to all the aspects of who you truly are. 

Once you remember, who you truly are and want to be, decisions are getting way easier, ways for problem-solving can be found and repeating cycles of harming yourself can be abandoned.    

Can Psysoulogy work in all areas of my life?

It can. PsySOULogy focuses on your true self, which is participating in  in all areas of your life. A blockage or suffering may occur in close relationships to beloved persons, a collague, boss, a parent, child or may show through persisting memories or regrets from a long passed life-situation, which still seems to affect you.

All these situations have one thing in common: Your true self wants to shine through, but it can´t. Something is in the way. So let´s find out, what it is.   

Sounds suitable for you? Try a priliminary talk for free.

What is the spiritual part of Psysoulogy?

PsySOULogy closes the gap between spirituality and psychology by connecting ancient wisdom and knowledge, that is contained for example in Buddhism or the vedic tradition. 

Psychology offers a countless amount of models, assumptions and techniques trying to explain and define the pathways of the mind. Psychology can be important and helpful, but it is limited due to an already defined framework. Occuring „symptoms“ are getting labeled and diagnosed, which gives orientation and can be a relief.

There´s another perspective that can be taken: That problems on the surface reflect an unconcious struggle of an individual, whose soul is just trying to break through the surface, but can’t. 

This is exactly the point, where PsySOULogy is coming from. 

How does Psysoulogy take that spiritual part into account?

Have you ever suggested, that you may have drew a specific problem in your life, just to become aware of an inner conflict on a deeper level?

Maybe the problem is not the real problem?

The assumption that an occuring problem could be a result of an underlying conflict or dysfunction is represented in psychoanalysis as well as in the vedic tradition. 

The Upanishads mention „Koshas“ as five metaphorical layers (or sheaths), a human being is consisting of. These five sheaths are said to house the innermost self (the soul, in Sanskrit: Atman).  

1. The physical body

2. The energy body

3. The emotional body

4. The wisdom body

5. The bliss body

You can imagine these bodys like layers of an onion, while every layer has a specific function and affects the others.
If you feel desoriented, it may be, that your intuition (residing in the wisdom body) is not working properly, because there´s a dysfunctional pattern running on your emotional body (causing suffering), also affecting your physical body (restlessness, overeating or something else). It may also be the other way around. The sheaths are not seperate, but interconnected. 

A subtle disturbance may affect your frequency on the energy body, resulting in turmoil on the other layers (chanting might help to solve such a disturbance). 

There are several ways to access issues in a spiritual way and by that closing the gap between psychology and spirituality.

The core assumption of PsySOULogy is: There´s a soul in every person, that´s longing for good conditions and expression.
All the blockages, experienced violations and traumas may just show up, because they want to be solved. Such symptoms are not an expression of your true self, but a hint of your system, that there´s a wound to be healed on any of the layers mentioned above.

PsySOULogy aims towards the integration of the Soul´s demands and tries to enhance the expression of your very own energetical signature, while shadow sides, basic human experiences, needs and drives are integrated as well.