

Projekt Freieres Leben | Shifting toxic relationships

screenshot of the website "freieres leben" with a photograph of Kristina Peters

Freieresleben was initiated for people who were or are experiencing toxic relationships and are trying to find the exit doors to self-empowerment.
In the Blog Section you can find a lot of transformative information for free. The topics “narcissism”, “empathy” and the resulting dynamics are addressed  without accusation or devaluation of one “side”.

Following the core values of PsySOULogy, the project focuses on awareness, consciousness and self-empowerment.

Even if the website is only available in german until now, coachings in english language are also possible.

Feel free to contact us.

Herzensheld – Personality development on the pathway of your soul´s vocation 

„Herzensheld“ is german and means „Hero of the heart“. This project accompanies all people who commit to a soul´s vocation instead of just „getting a job done“.
Those who really long for a more authentic and meaningful work. If working flows from the essence of your true self, there´s no more artificial separation between individual and action. The Hero of the heart can hear the calling of the soul fire´s and follows.
Opening up to that path, he´s facing intense personal processes, encounters pitfalls, insecurities, doubts and obstacles.

Project Herzensheld accompanies the journey of that hero. It wants to encourage you on that pathway to the most deep and true commitment: A commitment to your true self and the authentic actions of your soul´s vocation.

Even if the website is only available in german until now, coachings in english language are also possible.

Feel free to contact us!